Universal Osmosis

universal osmosis

As an avid photographer Susan Griffith-Jones has searched and shot ‘marvellous’ visions of places and people all over the globe. Combined with this love of the art of photography and through contemplation of the various techniques taught to her by her Spiritual Masters, over the years she has come to display the meanings of Universal Spiritual Truths in symbolic pictures, calling this kind of art, ‘Photo Collage Artwork’, whereby many of her photos of varying themes express meanings within different designs that come to make up one whole shape of Sacred Geometrical significance. This book describes the meaning of each of her large symbolic pictures in detail, and the background story of how and why they were made at specific moments in Susan’s life.

The Living Pyramid

The Living Pyramid

Enter the realm of ‘inner shapes’ in this in-depth story of how Susan Griffith-Jones came to make the artistic documentary, ‘Circle of Immortality’, whose stunning scenes from the Nepalese High Himalayas down to the plains of Lumbini, depict both spiritual practice and day-to-day living of the people there and discover how the visuals, narration and music of this film form the shape of a pyramid.



Book on River Ganga

Since 2007, Susan has been visiting sections of the River Ganga, and both filming and photographing them. Her extensive 10 year work on the river has so far lead her from Ganga’s traditional source at Gaumukh, Gangotri up to the Farakka Barrage in West Bengal, from where she has yet to ‘complete’ the short section up to Sagar Island, beyond Kolkata. Woven into stories about her own journey along the river, this book will cover the history, geography as well as social, religious and environmental aspects of the River Ganges.